Blogging for Businesses

by | October 11, 2005

When my web designer suggested I add a blog to my website, my reaction was “Why? Do businesses use blogs?” As I have learned through my quest to better understand blogging, many companies use it to share employee viewpoints and sometimes to obtain opinions from customers on various topics. REI recently began a blog for REI managers to share their views on various topics which was highlighted in the Puget Sound Business Journal.

So what is a blog and how does it work for business? Blogs are traditionally personal and regular postings by an individual commenting on a particular topic and adding their own personal views. More recently, though, blogs have become more mainstream in the corporate world. See article. Interestingly enough, much of the focus is on how big businesses such as Microsoft are using it; but the small business probably has more oppotunity to leverage the blog’s power of one-to-one marketing and loyalty and community building.

The Blog Business Summit is in Seattle on October 29 for those interested in learning more.

Author: Michelle Bomberger, Seattle Business Lawyer